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Grace Realities



What is the gospel of the grace of God ?

How do we receive the grace of God ?

What does it mean to live in the grace of God ?

How to overcome sin by the grace of God ?

What is the abundance of grace ?

Is the grace of God perpetual ?

If you are looking for answers to these questions, then ‘Grace Realities’ is for you.

Dear Friend,

‘Grace Realities’ is not just a paperback. It is a treasure map offering essential keys to tap into the wonderful plot of God’s grace.

Through ‘Grace Realities’, you will learn how to reign in life through Jesus Christ.

‘Grace Realities’ will help you discover that the grace of God not only forgives your sin but will keep you from it. When you comprehend the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness granted to you; you will see yourself empowered to reign in every area of your life. You will realize that sin has no dominion over you.

This book is a must-read for all Christians who desire to live the abundant life that our Lord Jesus Christ promised.

‘Grace Realities’ is the ultimate guide to understanding and experiencing the grace of God.

Order your copy of  ‘Grace Realities’ now and starting living the abundant life that our Lord Jesus Christ promised.

Dear Friend,

Grace Realities’ is not just a paperback. It is a treasure map offering essential keys to tap into the wonderful plot of God’s grace.

What you can learn?
Through ‘Grace Realities’, you will learn how to reign in life through Jesus Christ.

‘Grace Realities’ will help you discover that the grace of God not only forgives your sin but will keep you from it. When you comprehend the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness granted to you; you will see yourself empowered to reign in every area
of your life. You will realize that sin has no dominion over you.

This book is a must-read for all Christians who desire to live the abundant life that
our Lord Jesus Christ promised.
‘Grace Realities’ is the ultimate guide to understanding and experiencing the grace
of God.
Order your copy of ‘Grace Realities’ now and starting living the abundant life that our
Lord Jesus Christ promised.

About the Author

Melchizedek hails from Visakhapatnam, India. Since his conversion in 1981, he has served the Church as an Itinerant Preacher, Bible Teacher, Volunteer Pastor, Christian Influencer and Missions Coordinator.

He has garnered a lot of experience during his ministry trips to South-East Asia, Far-East Asia, Australasia, the United Kingdom, and North America. 

He has keenly observed the Church and its transition over four decades and senses an urgent need for the Church to be infused by the grace of God to succeed in these perilous times.

In his book, ‘Grace Realities’, Melchizedek examines ‘the gospel of the grace of God’ and reveals how Christians struggling with sin and Satan, can overcome and live victoriously.

What people are saying ........


Wow! With this book Brother Melchizedek has woken up my spirit. Somewhere in chapter 3, I began to realize that there was a fresh newness of grace living available for us. So many spiritual truths are revealed within these pages that you will want to be re-read and study it! It is packed full of revelations, sermons and quotes to absorb. Thanks brother Melchizedek for bringing this to our attention.

Evangelist Larry Thonn III

Hammond, LA, USA

Pastor/Evangelist Bill Burgess

Nuevo, CA, USA

When I began to read ‘Grace Realities’, I realized the depth of both Brother Melchizedek’s revelation but also his dependence upon God’s wondrous grace. Today it is urgent that every believer lives their life infused by God’s Grace. This book will help you to do that. Grace Realities is a must-read, especially for any believer who wants to see Jesus working in and through their life. For peace, for victory, to walk in His love, grace is that vehicle. (‘Perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment.’ 1 John 4:18) Grace . . . is why we have His love. We need to fully grasp the reality of His Grace. Read this book ‘Grace Realities.’


What does it take to be loved and saved by God? Repentance and Trust? Baptism and Church Attendance? Godly Behavior and Sound Doctrine? Yet, each one of these involves human effort; so does that mean that grace alone is insufficient for salvation? What do you think? The author makes a thought provoking case that something is missing from the theology of the Modern Church – something vitally important to its health and spiritual well-being.

Brother Matthew Leeke

Boreen Point, QLD, Australia

Pastors Roger and Pamela Sadberry

Lee’s Summit, MO, USA

Melchizedek has been a faithful and true witness of God’s Word and this is one more example. He lives a life of humility and service to others which is a representation of God’s mercy and compassionate love. Grace Realities is an outstanding book of the incredible grace that God has bestowed on His people. This book is not just words on paper. But it represents the life of its author.

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